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Flat Belly Fix review: How to get a flat belly in 21 days

Updated: Oct 9, 2019

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There are many of us who want to get rid of our "belly problem" which you could have gained from beer, binge eating on holidays and so on. So many programs on the Internet talk about how to lose that belly fat, so what makes this different? Flat Belly Fix does not focus on your diet nor does it tell you about what exercises you should undertake. Many weight loss programs provide you with just enough information to experience the changes you want in the short term BUT does not tell you how to maintain these changes long term. This is where Flat Belly Fix shines.

About the author

Todd Lamb created this amazing weight loss program. He is a veteran in the fitness industry and author of multiple best selling books such as: Specforce Alpha, The 7 Day Ab Targeted Solution and The 21 Day Flat Belly Fix System. All of this work is backed by a vast amount of research and inspiration from his own personal experiences. His family was involved in a car accident after which gained a lot of weight. Todd Lamb created this program to help his wife and people like you and me who want to lose weight.

This program has two main areas of focus:

Hunger and Appetite. The Energy Shift System.

Hunger and Appetite focuses on understanding your nervous and endocrine system and how they help you lose weight. The Energy Shift system trains your body to burn fat instead of sugar to use as a primary source of energy. Both these comprise to form the 80/20 rule, 80% diet and 20% exercise. What do you get with Flat Belly Fix? There are 3 parts of this program as follows: The 21 Day System

This is e-book you can download to your phone, tablet or laptop. This provides you with everything you need to know in order to understand health as a whole, eating patterns, nutrition and fitness. I'm including the table of contents from the book below:


1. Rationale

a. Hunger and Appetite

b. The Energy System Shift

2. The Secret FBF Tea

3. Benefits of Turmeric for Women

4. Benefits of Turmeric for Men

a. How Much Per Day

5. The Benefits of Chai Tea 6. The Benefits of Green Tea

7. Grass Fed Butter 8. Cinnamon

9. Leptin Sensitivity

a. What is Leptin b. Mastering Your Leptin Levels c. Leptin, Exercise, Carbohydrates and Fats

d. Leptin and Interval Meals

10. Insulin Sensitive and Resistance a. What is Insulin?

b. How to Improve Your Sensitivity

c. How to Improve Your Sensitivity Through Diet 11. Medium Chain Triglycerides a. MCTS for Reducing Fat Storage b. Coconut Milk c. MCT Oil

12. Lactobacillus L. Reuteri 13. Gender Specific Benefits for Women 14. Gender Specific Benefits for Men 15. The Protocol 16. Meal Timings and Composition

7- Minute Flat Belly Protocol

7 - Minute Flat Belly Protocol is exactly what you think it is. Just a mere 7 minutes of workout each day to transform your body. There's a quote I really like and it goes: " A little progress each day adds up to big results." If there is one thing you choose to remember from reading this review, remember that. In this part of the program there are 7 exercise protocols, one for each day of the week to help you transform yourself. The videos are extremely helpful and it's designed to be your personal trainer making sure you stay on track.

Smoothie Recipes

Who doesn't love food? Remember I said this program doesn't tell you what to eat? Well here you are. You get 15 absolutely delicious recipes to choose from. These are made from locally fresh ingredients such as coconut, avocado, almond, nuts, berries and vanilla. You can choose to have them as a post-workout snack, meal replacement or simply a snack to treat yourself.

Benefits of the program

What this program does really well is use ancient ingredients in their natural state to keep your body energised and healthy. They claim that this program reverse or reduce type II Diabetes. Furthermore you are provided separate information for men and women in this program. This is fantastic as our bodies function differently and following a diet catered to you accelerates the process while leaving no room for error.

Final thoughts

If you're given a blueprint to achieve your goal (weight loss in this case) and you know it works because everyone has and are using it, what are you waiting for? You get a 60 day money back guarantee if for whatever reason you are not happy with the program or results so there is nothing to lose. I'll leave you with this: Do you want to lose weight? They're guiding you every step of the way so don't procrastinate because tomorrow never comes. Join now!

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